Cloud Services


SMEs mainly rely on PaaS & SaaS products in order to indulge themselves with the level of automation and integrability which many large enterprises have built in their infrastructures. Today, many PaaS & SaaS providers have enabled SMEs the ability to integrate complex structures and automations within their processes.

However, it is very important to study and understand the processes and procedures companies rely on in order to identify any bottlenecks. Automating a system that is not efficient can increase the compexity of identifying problems in the future and therefore increase the difficulty of fixing or even replacing such processes.


PaaS: Stands for platform-as-a-service. This abbreviation is widely used by cloud computing providers like Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure because their products are largely centred around providing an all-in-one platform that bundles many microservices which are essential to build a well structured cloud computing solution.

SaaS: Stands for software-as-a-service. This abbreviation is mainly used by software startups and tech enterprises. The large majority of the software we use for our day-to-day operations are web based. Therefore, SaaS are the web version of any software that is installed on your operating system.

Relation: PaaS can sometimes be a bundle of SaaS products that are integrated within each other and configured in a way that collectively add more value to the end used compared when each of these services are used individually.


SMEs might not have the right talent in order to execute such a shift in the way they operate their companies. That’s how we come add value to these companies by suggesting different scenarios and plausible solutions which have been proven effective in similar lines of work.

It often require us to come up with solutions that are uniquely developed for our clients in order to fix their need exactly. We understand that one size doesn’t fit all.


After many sessions of consultation and planning, we arrive to a detailed conclusion on what type of solutions we need in place and how we need to carry out the deployment of these solutions. Many of the companies who we’ve been working with, found that facilitating PaaS and SaaS products have increased efficiency within their lines of work because of the core idea many of these products are built on. Which is automation